Saturday, June 30, 2012

stomp (mind flow), mobile and patience

I had to go to Woolgoolga today to pick up my new car..... I could have caught a bus, or got a cab, but I figured, hey it's a sunny day, why not walk ? I arrived two hours later, with lungs full of fresh air, and a clearer mind.... stomping creates mind flow

yay yay yay car.... I am freeeeeeeeeeee and mobile again !

during my walk today, I spent some time thinking about patience.... and how the universe will keep throwing you lessons until you actually learn from them. They say the lesson gets bigger each time, and I would definitely agree. It feels like I'm living my ultimate lesson right now, but hey, I'm learning :)

Friday, June 29, 2012

future chat, making the bed and hot water

we've been a pretty rocky road recently, so it felt so good to talk excitedly about our future

Gretchen Rubin is right....however you're feeling, making the bed will always make you feel better

I know it would be much more fashionable if I drank chai or espresso's but you just can't beat a cup of hot water :)

Thursday, June 28, 2012

John Grisham, happy man and early night

I can't get enough ....seriously.....a good legal thriller that sucks you in and has you guessing right until the last page

my man is happy, and that makes me happy :)

we knew that we had an early start tomorrow morning so we snuck into bed and enjoyed being warm and snuggled up on a cold night

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

just ask, jam & bread and Christmas dinner

sometimes you just have to go ahead and ask for what you want.... it's ok to step up and be bold.... you'll be surprised how often you'll get a yes :)

we buy some yummy organic sourdough and then race home to smother it in raspberry jam

I asked Jeff what his favourite meal was last week so I could make it for him for his birthday....he told me it was the brussel sprouts my Mum had made a few Christmas's ago. Ha ha ha what a fruitloop. Anyway, tonight we made the famous sprouts (with roasted chestnuts and pancetta) alongside some red cabbage.... yum

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

switch off day, surprise guest and together

yesterday's good news gave us a boost and today we were able to relax knowing that we're moving forwards and life is going to get a little easier...

a call from an awesome friend we haven't seen in months, who asked ...'are you at home ?' and when I said yes, said 'sweet, I'm 3 minutes away !!'. We jump to it and start rustling up some dinner....

a super fun evening catching up and sharing news..... felt good to be together again

Monday, June 25, 2012

good news, upward spiral and leftovers

at last.... the good news that we needed and have been wishing for..... patience is most definitely a virtue

one piece of good news gets me thinking about what can happen next.... and so a little upward spiral begins

a long day that ends with a drink at the pub and home for delicious leftovers

Sunday, June 24, 2012

daytrippin', perfect autumn leaf and stew

the in-laws are here, so we decide to go day tripping..... a nice way to hang out and check out somewhere new. We drive through the bush and follow the river to a cute little spot for lunch, and head home in the afternoon glow of the setting sun

I find a beautiful autumn leaf

Jeff makes a stew for dinner, and the smell wafts around the house

Saturday, June 23, 2012

swim in the sea, movement and wise words from Dad

a beautiful sunny morning....clear skies and fresh air..... we go to the beach and take our books and blanket to stretch out and read in the sunshine. We swim in the's chilly but super refreshing

you just have to get outside, and move...... breathe in some fresh air, smile..... things always feel better when you're active

an email from Dad full of wisdom and love is most appreciated and, as always, perfectly timed

Friday, June 22, 2012

personal mantra, power of thought and waiting for pizza

sometimes all it takes is a shift in it was all about creating a mantra..... I am not as stuck as I think I am.....

wow, one sentence, repeated .....and suddenly there is a new way of thinking, lighter, calmer, happier. It's amazing what a new way of thinking can do.

we drive into town to grab pizza for dinner, and thoroughly enjoy the 20 minute wait....sitting on the steps outside watching the world go by and everyone cruising in and out

Thursday, June 21, 2012

someone there, afternoon breeze and tacos

when you spend every other week apart, you learn to really appreciate having someone you love at home again

yoga on a stormy afternoon, and a cool breeze flows through the gap in the garage door. What a welcome relief.

tacos remind me a little of tapas.....lots of little dishes that you put together.... tonight it was slow roast lamb with chipotle sauce, red cabbage & carrot salad, roasted peppers and guacamole....mmmm

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

taking it outside, birthday cake & inventing

it was cold but super sunny this morning so I did my yoga out on the deck. So nice to be breathing in fresh air.

Jeffs birthday was on Sunday but he didn't get home till today, so I made him a cake....candles and all. A token of love.

start with a couple of ingredients and an idea..... a quick browse online for inspiration, and a fair amount of guess-timating and voila....a new recipe that turns out soooooo good

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

candles, pooch & honesty

whilst I practice yoga in the garage, you could be forgiven for thinking it is not the most inspirational place to zen out. Well, I guess you'd be right. But bit by bit I'm making it a calm, happy place. This morning I added 2 little candles that give the place an immediate sense of ahhhhhhh

today ended up being a real test of my patience. I heard a news story on the radio this morning about how dogs can help homeless people feel happier. It was a nice story, and made me think about how important friendship is. Anyway, after my sucky day I was walking home when a super cute little black staffie came bounding over to me. She just wanted to play, and followed me all the way home. Felt like the universe was giving me a little dose of friendship.

I'm trying to buy a new car, and am getting a little tired of salesmen who tell me their car is the best ever. This afternoon I spoke to a lady at a garage in Sydney, and she was unbelievably honest about the car. Even sending me though photos of the small scratches. It honestly blew me away. She was awesome, and I told her so. Wouldn't that be a game changer, if everyone was 100% honest about what they were selling. Hmmm good stuff.

Monday, June 18, 2012

writing, NLP & upside down

felt sooooo good today to sit down and write an article that had been racing around my head for a while

had an NLP session late this afternoon....wowzers, that was pretty intense, but the end result was a much clearer, positive and calmer me....

I'm trying to dedicate some time every day to get upside down. I know how good headstands and other yoga inversions are but hardly ever think to practice them at home. So I started my mission tonight and it felt grrrrreat

Sunday, June 17, 2012

sunshine, writing in a book and rainbow plate

ahh the sun was shining all day today.... the sky was super blue. I took my book out into the garden and  lay in the sunshine.

You know that you are committed & passionate about something when your brain starts overflowing with ideas and unlocking feelings. Another way I recognise it is if I find a book that I love, and scribble my thoughts in it. To me, its a way of saying, this book and it's words are important to me. I'm writing in here because I will have this book forever and come back to it again and again.

My dinner tonight was colourful..... green, orange and red..... a natural rainbow.... I like that a lot

Saturday, June 16, 2012

finding a way, peanut butter goodness & a cute phone call

wow wow wow... today had a whole heap of challenges to deal with..... firstly, an interview that was nicely scheduled in for next week got rescheduled for today, at approximately 8pm last night.... I have no vehicle and the interview is a 2 and a half hr drive away... I won't go into too much detail, just think 6 hour drive in a rental car that was rented without a driving license or credit card for a 15 minute interview, with my long awaited lunch denied because I didn't have $20 left in my account..... about obstacles....but I made it, and thats the most important thing !!!

I did, however, have enough small change to buy myself a little treat for my return journey. I hadn't eaten these since we were in New York. Mmmmmmm so yummy.

a late night call from my lovely man to say he loved me

Friday, June 15, 2012

gazing point, just knowing and delicious dinner for one

I've been doing my yoga practice in the garage.... it's not as grim as it sounds, we've made a gym in there and it means I can make a proper space without worrying about having to tidy it away after each session. Anyway, this morning I was about to start when I realised it would be nice to have something to focus on other than simply looking at the garage door. So I stuck this post it note up.

how is it, that a friend who is a zillion miles away just had an inkling that things weren't great and so made it her mission to call and check in. Very lucky and very grateful.

tonights' was pure comfort dinner.... pasta with mushrooms, garlic, lemon & prosciutto..yum

Thursday, June 14, 2012

yoga first, getting stuck in & Kripalu

thank goodness for has been a few days so I make it a priority and find a whole lot of peace and calm waiting for me on the mat

I love books that challenge you to get stuck in and actually take some action.

today I discovered something pretty awesome online...Kripalu is an amazing yoga centre in the US, and they have a section on their website called 'yoga breaks'. They are really short, really simple yoga breaks to fit into your day.... soooo good

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

comfort, amazon & laughing

at lunch today as I was stirring a little butter through my freshly cooked pasta, I was taken back in time to my French grandmothers house, where she would be standing in the kitchen cooking me coquillettes with a little butter and lots of black pepper..... happy days with Nany

an Amazon package with 2 new books for me to excited to rip open the box

when life is giving you lemons,  sometimes the best thing to do is find a friend and laugh your way through your trials & tribulations

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

thanks universe, quiet & calm and in the same place

I asked the universe for a little favour this morning, and it delivered....something I had been worrying about for a couple of weeks turned out to be F.E.A.R. false evidence appearing real..... yahoo

its always a bit sad when Jeff leaves to go back to work, but there was a sense of quiet & calm when I walked back into the house this morning that I was grateful for

so bizarre to be skyping two of my best friends, who have only met each other a couple of times, when they are both hanging out together and having heaps of fun.... love them to pieces and so stoked to see them hanging out

Monday, June 11, 2012

raging storm, full fridge and late night pizza

it has been raining non-stop for a couple of days now, but today it got pretty crazy..... I love storms... you could feel the energy in the air

phew, a full fridge again...... good to open it and see a kaleidoscope of colours

it's late, red wine has been drunk and there is a vital need for pizza..... thank goodness we have somewhere close by that can fix that kind of problem :)

Sunday, June 10, 2012

amazing movie, just relax and finished

our friends across the street lend us some movies to watch and we pick an awesome one... on the edge of our seats..... it tonight...

after a fun filled few days, it felt good to kick back and relax at home today

I've been working on a project for a couple of months now, and although the bulk of the work was finished a while back, we've been ping ponging the document back and forwards and tweaking it ...... so it felt pretty amazing to send it out one final time knowing that its actually finished !

Saturday, June 9, 2012

good drive, the perfect sandwich and pyjamas

sometimes long drives can be sucky, but sometimes they can be just awesome.... today felt like the perfect day for a cruisy drive on a rainy morning

home and happy to be making a super delicious sandwich.....where all the elements seem to come together..... today is roast chicken, avocado, homemade chipotle mayo and baby spinach on an organic sesame bagel....mmmm

there's nothing more comforting than your favourite pair of pyjamas straight out of the dryer....simple pleasures

Friday, June 8, 2012

stay another night, afternoon tapas and an early night

we woke up with sore feet and fuzzy heads..... walked to the little French boulangerie, bought super delicious pain au chocolate and juice and decided to stay another night.....

after a lazy morning we head up to an awesome tapas bar and find ourselves a couch to relax on, a good bottle of wine and a selection of yummy tapas..... perfect way to spend a rainy afternoon

a nap with the rain falling outside, a stroll outside in the cool, fresh air and finding a little vietnamese restaurant to have an early dinner and then an early night

Thursday, June 7, 2012

a perfect getaway, someplace nice and dance all night

I pull up to the place that we're staying tonight... I booked it online. It is absolutely a little hidden gem.... stoked

I go for a walk through the streets of Byron before Jeff arrives.... its raining lightly and cool, but there are people out and about, enjoying the vibe. I check out an amazing whole foods store, and some gorgeous restaurants..... there are all sorts of delicious smells wafting around....feels like coming home

we go out to a bar before the gig....drink some wine then head to the the Black Seeds and literally dance all night.... it was soooo fun. I haven't gone out and danced like crazy like that for years..... felt so good.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

taking action, tweet tweet and bop bop

took the first step on a new path today..... nothing crazy just something that made sense and could well be the starting point for growth

yay back on twitter, connecting with positive people and finding my place in a community of like-minded folk

off to see a band tomorrow night....downloaded their new album and fell in love immediately.... happy happy music to bop bop bop to

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

transition time, new inventions and feeling patriotic

yay, another article published today. I feel like I'm in some sort of transition.... between where I am today and this new, exciting career and life that lies ahead. Every time I get a piece of good news like this, I move a little closer.

Craving something delicious and having minimal fresh stuff in the fridge can be a bit of an issue.... but after a little online searching and  a little recipe tweaking I sat down to a delicious treat feeling proud of my new invention.

I watched some of the Jubilee Celebrations on tv tonight..... and raised a glass of rather delicious rosé to Her Majesty. I think she's pretty awesome (plus she looks a lot like my beautiful grandma Nelly).

Monday, June 4, 2012

random clear out, something from nothing and can't or won't ??

sometimes I just get an overwhelming urge to declutter.... so I normally let it flow and find myself feeling cleansed, refreshed and ready to start again...that happened today, and the classic thing is I didn't really realise I was in the declutter zone till I was standing in a pile of rubbish looking at my neat shelves again ha ha ha

this week has been a little tough...I've been on lockdown at home because I can't use my car so I've slowly but surely started scraping the barrel that is our pantry. For the past 4 nights I've switched on the light, gazed at the shelves and tried to figure out what on earth to make. But it turns out this has been an awesome challenge.....

watched an amazing video today from Marie Forleo that talked about the little known fact that we so often replace won't with can't. For instance 'I can't make it to that meeting' normally means 'I won't make it to that meeting', and 'I can't find the time' normally means 'I won't find the time'. This felt like a little lightbulb switching on in my head. Time to stop using excuses and get out there !!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

oeuf en cocotte, happy endings and championing

I felt pretty Sunday-y this morning so figured I would try something new for breakfast.... oeuf en cocotte, an old school French way to cook eggs that turned out to be sooooo easy and super delicious.... psyched to start making different variations now....

I rented a romantic comedy this afternoon(you know the dependable type where you know exactly where it's heading right from the start). But you know ? I'm a fan of happy endings....

I'm learning about creating mastermind groups.....and the more I learn the more excited I am to create one.... having a group of inspiring people who have your back, champion your cause and help you show up in life just the way you dreamed.......

Saturday, June 2, 2012

burning questions, cookie dough and laugh out loud

I'm absolutely loving Danielle LaPorte's Firestarter Sessions..... she has that incredible style of writing that makes you think she's writing just for you.... today I answered some of her burning questions.... gotta love someone prompting you to delve a bit deeper

made cookies for a neighbour's birthday today..... the best bit about it is that you get to feel all warm and fuzzy doing something nice for someone and you get to eat some of the cookie dough along the way

there's a British talk show that is being aired here at the moment.... Graham Norton.... he is so freaking funny. The thing I love the most about his show is that he has all his guests on at the same time..... no-one else does that. It ends up being filled with the most classic, funny conversations that make you laugh out loud.... tonight was Cameron Diaz and Sir David Attenborough.

Friday, June 1, 2012

car wash, house clean and new vision board

kindness, inspiring someone and insane luckiness

someone reached out to me today with such good intention.... kindness.... its amazing how much harder it is to connect with new people as an adult. As a kid, you'd just go up and start playing on the swings with them... that simple. I need to learn something from today, that its a really amazing act of kindness just to reach out and say hey, you wanna hang out ?

found out that there are a few folk out there who have started a gratitude journal since reading this one.... wow, thats amazing..... lets just keep paying it forward

something crazy happened today.... and just before it happened I had a few seconds to ask the universe for a little help..... what followed was nothing short of a miracle. Let's just say I could have gotten into a lot of trouble, but instead ending up being blessed with a very friendly and forgiving traffic cop.... yikes :)