Wednesday, November 9, 2011

eeek an amazon package, mmmm ribs and intelligent television

I act like a little kid when I'm walking over to the post office...... imagining all sorts of exciting parcels and packages awaiting me. I think it has something to do with not having a normal postal service. It makes me want my daily stroll to the post office to be worthwhile, and when I'm handed a bunch of bills or junk mail I wonder why I bothered walking over. But this morning Anne went out the back saying ' Oh yes, I think a parcel came for you yesterday....'

I have this great recipe for ribs roasted in honey and rosemary. Well, I say great, but the first time I cooked it (following the recipe word for word), I saw the potential, smelt the potential but the reality was a blackened dish of charred ribs. Each time I've cooked them since, I've tweaked the recipe ..... it states the cooking time is 2 to 3 hours...... and each time I rescued them from the oven, it seemed just a little too late. So tonight I vowed to try again (it has been a while since the last time, as Jeff wasn't as excited by my 'lets eat burnt ribs' experiment). Turns out the recipe was definitely wrong, I'll be generous and say it must have been a typo. Tonights' ribs were delicious, roasted to perfection and left me feeling very pleased with myself.

One thing I miss about the UK is intelligent television, something that is really lacking out here. Luckily I've found a channel called SBS that broadcasts some really interesting shows. Tonight we watched a live debate about the Greek Debt Crisis followed by a documentary about illegal immigrants in the UK. It felt like my brain cells were sighing with relief.

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