Thursday, June 10, 2010

early start, love,and feeling content

We got up early again to check the surf..... it was MASSIVE !! Jeffo and the boys planned their surf mission for later, and I put on my trainers and ran home. I arrived just as the sun was starting to shine and the sky was turning blue. Early morning exercise is great.

This week, we've worked like crazy..... but we've done it calmly, happily and without too much bother....I feel very grateful for this and think that love has a lot to do with it.

After a super yummy dinner (tapas to start then a delicious salad) we all strolled down to the lake.....really nice family time, checking out beautiful homes, chatting, laughing.... At one point I said to Jeff 'I'd like to put concrete on my feet so I can stay here forever..'

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